
NB info : Please refer to Prayer@The-Gates GUIDELINES for Scriptures & detailed understanding as well as the preparations for communion and prayer before Sunday’s prayer time.

We pray today for the CHURCH – BELIEF GATE, and its influence in society.


• God, we thank you for Who you are. You are Alpha & Omega, Creator, all-mighty God, ever present.
• You are the Word incarnated, the Door, the Way and the only Truth, the Light, Saviour of the world.

2. Welcome Father, our loving Father, Christ Jesus the Holy Lamb of God & Holy Spirit.

• We welcome You, draw closer to You as You come near to guide as in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
• We bow down in reverence, awe, honour. Holy Spirit lead us as we lift Jesus higher for all men to be drawn to Him. One day every knee will bow & tongues confess Your greatness & Truth. (Ps145-150)

(NB. We now prepare our hearts. We do this by humbling ourselves, take responsibility for our own sins & identify with the ‘wrongs” in society & in the church. Repentance is the 1st KEY ACTION from our hearts to get rid of all evil! )

• Forgive us our sins. We repent of any know sin & anything unrighteous and unpleasing to You.
• We humble ourselves before You in total dependence upon You. You alone are good & worthy.
“For I acknowledge my transgressions, And my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned, And done this evil in Your sight—That You may be found just when You speak, And blameless when You judge.” (Psa 51:3-4)

• Thank you for giving Your life, redeeming us by forgiveness of sins by shedding Your blood for us.
• Your death & resurrection has sealed the new covenant with the Father in Your righteousness.
• “Eternal life (is) that they may know You, only true God, Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Joh17:3

(Eph 6: STAND & keep on standing IN THE ARMOR of God)

• We ask in Your name to protect us from the strategies, plans and hide us under Your “wings” (Ps91)
• That we “would walk worthy of God who calls us into His own kingdom and glory.” (1Th 2:12)
• “I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, keep them from the evil one.” (Joh 17:15)
• Believers to be “their brothers/sisters keepers”! Submit to one another & be teachable, cover by love.

6. Identificational repentance: As we pray, we identify/discern what is “right” and “wrong” – to pray for God’s intervention and His MERCY me 1st, us, over His Church…(add your own). We repent:…

• We repent where the church (the Body of Christ, the soon to be Bride) has failed society in judging them rather to lead them to salvation. God is the only judge. We should be known by our love.
• We repent where the church has failed its own commands, failed to love, forgive, restore internally
• False church doctrines for gain, status, power, fame. For not preaching the message of repentance.
• Changing the Scriptures/message to suit human reasoning, carnal ears, while pleasing ungodly, humanistic, unrighteous demands of mere man, popular preaching & church politics!
• We repent not being separated from the sins of this world. Can people see difference between the Believer, God’s sons/daughters & the world in our daily speech, conduct, serving, giving & love ?
• We repent of lukewarmness, idolatrous ways, clinging to the things, status, power of the world…

7. Praying SCRIPTURE for the Church / Body of Christ / The Bride of Christ to prepare herself :

We thank GOD for : (Eph 1:22-23, 2 – 4) (add your own)

• The headship of Christ to Whom all authority is given. His New Covenant in our hearts…
• The blessing of the COMMUNITY of Believers, churches & fellowships to go to. Faith Leaders…
• The fulness of the LOVE of the Father & Son through the Holy Spirit, given & send to us!
• Gifts of Christ, the Holy Spirit to be quickened, His Compassion, power demonstrated through us.
• 1) The spiritual blessings in Christ. 2) The greatness of His power. 3) For faith 4) Forgiveness of sin, 5) Salvation received through faith, by 6) the exceeding richness of His grace & kindness. 7) His manifold wisdom. 8) Equipping of the saints for the work of ministry. 9) New Life (by the newness by the Spirit, Rom7:6) . 10) His spiritual armour… (Eph 1 – 6)

8. DECLARATIONS over the Church / Belief Gate : “Have MERCY on Your Church, Lord”

What do you want to see happening IN & THROUGH the Church? (add your own)

• More Unity in community of Believers, one accord in His death, Life, Resurrection (Rev5:9,10)
• True fellowship with the Father & Son through the Holy Spirit and in submission to Him.
• Church to TRULY “SEEK THE KINGDOM of GOD 1st”. Returning to our 1st Love.
• To labour for His name’s sake – not our own agenda’s. (Rev2) His will be done on earth as in heaven.
• To overcome by the testimony of Christ on our lips & by His Blood. (Rev12:11)
• To honour the Holy Spirit and NOT to resist His leading, To learn to listen, hear & obey Him. (Is11:2)
• Be ready to meet Him at His 2nd coming, with our lamps full. (Luk12:35,37)

• Matthew 6:9-13

10. Giving THANKS & PRAISE of what God will do through His church to REVIVE His Church & this Nation.

• GIVE GOD all the thanks & praise & exaltation!
• We honour Him for what He is doing in building His church & strengthening His saints to do what He called us for. Especially during this time of the elections – which is a STRATEGIC TIME for CHANGE – a KAIROS moment in our country’s history and an OPEN DOOR to PRAY IN CHANGE!

If you feel comfortable in prophetic prayer demonstrated by symbolic actions you may want to :

• Pour OIL over your street, in area as a symbol of God’s presence, sealed off property, prayer altar…
• Pour SALT as a symbol of His forgiveness, cleansing, purification & preservation of His people.
• Blow / play Shofar recording as a symbol of the sound of God’s might & strength to go forth !!! It is the instrument & sound God instructed to voice His presence & reign!

• As we pray we are releasing our faith into the atmosphere & spiritual realm. We symbolically place a STAKE where we pray that serves as a remembrance of our prayers being done BY FAITH in God alone. Only to HIM belong the glory, praise & exaltation! HALLELUJAH! 1000 praises to His NAME!

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