46. Man at W-R with G-d and Man

Man is at w-r with G-d and Man

As we wage w-r with man and sinful seed our own lives are measured for faithful deeds. The standard being His humbled birth and selfless lead…

– Align then to His humble Birth

Nations are at w-r
and People are fighting!
Throwing words and b-mbs
Seek resolve in g-n-blaze lightning

This folly makes me wonder…
Even more so – to ponder
What is their ‘just’ thinking
This might then dissolve?

How angry are they really!
How much anger is yet to come?
Is this not the rage against
The G-d… they too belong?

Wise counsel to steer the way
Yet, No answer to our frantic prayers!
Angry at This G-d – unmoved
by our demanding charade!

Controversial challenges
Leave us unsettled and unnerved
He seemed not to care, to dare…
Left us dabbling in our despair

For this is not an easy weight
to wear His golden crown
Facing human-stumbles on our path,
reveal our fickle ground…

How rich would you have been,
Without … sincere humbling?
Relentless yield to a Higher Hand
Expose the flaws within

How angry are you really!
Perhaps enraged against This G-d
For no display of tempered clay …
But teaching us obey – HIS ways!

And now…

The poor soul at his Cross, himself
Stand in your way to Ego-Bay
Being the foe… all hell-break-loose;
And none of these to us pertain?

How angry are you really!
Why so deepened in dismay,
Have you looked into your Father’s eyes,
Witness’d grace, His Lovin’ embrace…?

[- for all He has made.]

And even so and maybe yet
It’s not a man,
But G-d…
Standing in your zealous way
At w-r; fought in your stead.

If you so would belong to (your)self
For once adhere His urgent tell!
You could have been at High-Horse-Down,
already really dead!

As yet…

His love and mercy, in and through (us)
Truth’s only source to make us new
In guilt and shame, we all fall short…
‘His glory and renown

You have a name, yes! You are of worth
But so the next, and next man down your curve
A spoken premise, is yet to be lived
In sole-align to His humble birth

Still to Him our love to prove
As weighed in even-scale domain
For the measure of His fullness’ shaped
Is found amongst the dust… and fruit

To dust… from dust, let this be known
This is His Holy Grail
Found on the trodden path
in blood-stained steps
This is…
His Holy ground!


‘This is…’ – another / every human being’s God-given life

45. What do others think of us?

Reading 163.  New Spirit Filled Life Daily Bible (NKJV) (ODH)

What others think of us?

Proverbs 18:17

“The first in his cause seems just, but his neighbor comes and searches him.”

“His neighbor cometh and searcheth him out.”

It is easy to boast of what we are or are not, but the real question is as to what others think of us?

Would that credit us with the highest attainments in Christian living? Would they concede the reality and beauty of our characters?

After all, might not we be mistaking our ideals for our attainments, and judging ourselves by a lower standard than we apply to others?

Might not our wives and sisters, our husbands and brothers search us?

It is so much easier to plead our own cause in a meeting than to stand clear in the searching scrutiny of the home.

And if our neighbors search us, what does God think of us as the fierce light of His eyes scans us and reads our deepest secrets?

What should we do… were it’s not for the blood of Christ?

I used to hesitate once to call myself a miserable sinner, but as I know myself better, I begin to feel that it is a reasonable designation.

That is what we are by nature, though we have been made by divine grace, children, heirs, joint heirs with Christ.

Job, the righteous man confessed himself vile when God’s light revealed him.

F.B. Meyer, Our Daily Homily.

44. Ignorance of our Depravity

Reading 161. New Spirit Filled Life Daily Bible (NKJV)


2 Kings 8 verses 12, 13

Our ignorance of the depravity of our own hearts is a startling fact.
Hazael did not believe that he was bad enough to do any of the things here anticipated.
“Is thy servant a dog that he should do this great thing.”
He might have been conscious enough that his heart was none so pure, but it might consent to do many an evil thing, yet crimes so flagrant as those the prophet had foretold of him, he thought himself quite incapable to commit…
Ah, my brethren, the ignorance of Hazael is ours to a greater or less degree.
In our natural state we are oblivious of the depravity of our own hearts…
Ay, but, my brethren, we were, to a great degree, cured of this our ignorance when the Spirit of God brought us under conviction…
Much of our ignorance was taken away; but alas! how much remained!…
None of us know, after all, much of the baseness of our hearts…
The depravity of our nature forbids… a venturing or presuming to play and toy with temptations…
He who carries gunpowder about him had better not stand where there are many sparks…
I implore thee, therefore, as thou wouldst honor thy God, and thou wouldst stand in brightness, go not I beseech thee where the temptation to sin is glaring, and flatter thyself that thou will come out guileless…
God grant that we may not… be as Hazael, the perpetrators of crimes of which we never suspected ourselves capable.

Charles H. Spurgeon, Sermons of Rev. C.H. Spurgeon

1993 by Thomas Nelson, Inc


In ‘n Ander Man se Agterplaas

VIR MY MAN ! Dàar’s nou ‘n MAN!

In i’n ander man se agterplaas

kronkel-pad ons wild

Deur rooi-sand kinkels… nog i’n bult

Lei die spore ons soms ongewild

Witstof, stof-voetspore

trap diep-duike in die sand

‘N merk gemaak,… ‘k was vlusies hier,

alvorens wel-vergete, ons by ruskant neer gaan lê

Stof is jy mens, en tot stof is jy hierna-mals.

benoud lê ‘niet’ en ‘nuut’, dan sy aan sy

Maar nou en hier, in hierdie uur…

‘Leef-die-Lewe’, steeds verblyd!

Lang skaduwees rek oor die sandpad traag

van Oos na Wes trek die Son sy snaar –

Sleep Hy die Lig, Sy strepe mee

Dis moi hoe die Lig hom wis bekeer

I’n swart volstruis strek sy vlerke wyd

die koel bries vang waar die hitte knyp

Een ander skop i‘n stofwolk op

lê diep genessel in sy stofbad-pot

Wind’ waai die grasrietjies dwars gevleg

Wit-gepunt staan hul strepies in die wind

Winde waai die hempie plat gedruk

Daar is i’n MAN op die land…, een Man wat bid

Die grond smeek vir i‘n druppel reën

die vore lê moeg en lank gesny

Die saad wag gretig droog indie skuur…

afwagtend vir die goeie-grond se uur

As i’n man se perd, styf-sit hier onder hom

het die lewe weer i‘n lied (by)gekry

Daars i’n vuur wat hoog-brand in sy binnekas

“Hier moet i‘n man nou boer!”

Die reën het geval! Horison-hoop!

Diep-en-wyd het Hy nat gemaak

Die goeie-grond se uur is hier

Kyk! Sy hierna-mals kos Hom baie duur

Met ploeg en skaar lê die saad in die grond,

die aarde ruk-n-bewe hier onder rond

Die oes lê ryp… die oes is af…

Diè man het grond… groot geboer!

Stof is jy mens! En tot stof is jy hierna-mals

Kyk hoe trek die stof soos mis

Die stof weeg lig, dit vlug vooruit…

Want stof…

is lig!


Dankie, my man, … dankie pa… !

Vir alles wat jy doen en vir wie jy is voor en in Hom!



Ongewild – op en af
Vergete – die dood
Ruskant – ewigheid
Lig/Son – Christus
Nuut – hiernamals
Niet – hier en nou, die tydelike
Goeie -grond – in die Bybel se idioom van saad wat val op goeie grond
Stof – die mens se nietigheid in die ewigheids konteks

Ploeg en skaar – Christus het gelei om Sy Woord se saad na ons te bring

42. Ongenaakbare Lewe Genaakbare Genade

I ODE aan die God van Lewe!


Die barre landskap lê dor en rooi,
wyd-voor, uitgestrek
Bitter droog gesuig… en leeg
‘I Ieder korrel sand

Rooi, wit-oranje… dale en duine
rol soos ligjare in suksessie vooruit
Oënskynlik is alles dood
Daar is niks lewe – die lewe is dood

Wit beendere… wig skoon en swaar op die sand
Nog ‘n geraamte kyk met hol oë terug na my
Ongenaakbare lewe
Waar is die lewe?
Sien JY,… lewe hier?

Net i sandkorrel tussen…IN die Saad;
Saad, tussen… die sand
Kyk! – hier ìs Saad!
Hier is nog Lewe!

Alleen skuif die duine in
langs mekaar se sy
Die stilte dreun verdowend voort
– afwagtend die eerste plof van ‘n reën

Ongenaakbare lewe

– ek het oorleef!

Genaakbare genade.

Ek leef nog!

Ek leef steeds!
